Many machine learning algorithms make assumptions about the linear separability of the input data. The perceptron even requires perfectly linearly separable training data to converge. Other algorithms that we have covered so far assume that the lack of perfect linear separability is due to noise: Adaline, logistic regression, and the (standard) SVM to just name a few. However, if we are dealing with nonlinear problems, which we may encounter rather frequently in real-world applications, linear transformation techniques for dimensionality reduction, such as PCA and LDA, may not be the best choice.
In this section, we will take a look at a kernelized version of PCA, or KPCA. Using KPCA, we will learn how to transform data that is not linearly separable onto a new, lower-dimensional subspace that is suitable for linear classifiers.
Using some SciPy and NumPy helper functions, we will see that implementing a KPCA is actually really simple:
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform from scipy import exp from scipy.linalg import eigh import numpy as np def rbf_kernel_pca(X, gamma, n_components): """ RBF kernel PCA implementation. Parameters ------------ X: {NumPy ndarray}, shape = [n_examples, n_features] gamma: float Tuning parameter of the RBF kernel n_components: int Number of principal components to return Returns ------------ X_pc: {NumPy ndarray}, shape = [n_examples, k_features] Projected dataset """ # Calculate pairwise squared Euclidean distances # in the MxN dimensional dataset. sq_dists = pdist(X, 'sqeuclidean') # Convert pairwise distances into a square matrix. mat_sq_dists = squareform(sq_dists) # Compute the symmetric kernel matrix. K = exp(-gamma * mat_sq_dists) # Center the kernel matrix. N = K.shape[0] one_n = np.ones((N,N)) / N K = K - - + # Obtaining eigenpairs from the centered kernel matrix # scipy.linalg.eigh returns them in ascending order eigvals, eigvecs = eigh(K) eigvals, eigvecs = eigvals[::-1], eigvecs[:, ::-1] # Collect the top k eigenvectors (projected examples) X_pc = np.column_stack([eigvecs[:, i] for i in range(n_components)]) return X_pc
One downside of using an RBF KPCA for dimensionality reduction is that we have to specify the parameter a priori. Finding an appropriate value requires experimentation and is best done using algorithms for parameter tuning, for example, performing a grid search.
Example – separating half-moon shapes
Now, let us apply our rbf_kernel_pca on some nonlinear example datasets. We will start by creating a two-dimensional dataset of 100 example points representing two half-moon shapes:
>>> from sklearn.datasets import make_moons >>> X, y = make_moons(n_examples=100, random_state=123) >>> plt.scatter(X[y==0, 0], X[y==0, 1], ... color='red', marker='^', alpha=0.5) >>> plt.scatter(X[y==1, 0], X[y==1, 1], ... color='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.5) >>> plt.tight_layout() >>>
For the purposes of illustration, the half-moon of triangle symbols will represent one class, and the half-moon depicted by the circle symbols will represent the examples from another class:
Clearly, these two half-moon shapes are not linearly separable, and our goal is to unfold the half-moons via KPCA so that the dataset can serve as a suitable input for a linear classifier. But first, let’s see how the dataset looks if we project it onto the principal components via standard PCA:
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA >>> scikit_pca = PCA(n_components=2) >>> X_spca = scikit_pca.fit_transform(X) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(7,3)) >>> ax[0].scatter(X_spca[y==0, 0], X_spca[y==0, 1], ... color='red', marker='^', alpha=0.5) >>> ax[0].scatter(X_spca[y==1, 0], X_spca[y==1, 1], ... color='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.5) >>> ax[1].scatter(X_spca[y==0, 0], np.zeros((50,1))+0.02, ... color='red', marker='^', alpha=0.5) >>> ax[1].scatter(X_spca[y==1, 0], np.zeros((50,1))-0.02, ... color='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.5) >>> ax[0].set_xlabel('PC1') >>> ax[0].set_ylabel('PC2') >>> ax[1].set_ylim([-1, 1]) >>> ax[1].set_yticks([]) >>> ax[1].set_xlabel('PC1') >>> plt.tight_layout() >>>
Clearly, we can see in the resulting figure that a linear classifier would be unable to perform well on the dataset transformed via standard PCA:
Note that when we plotted the first principal component only (right subplot), we shifted the triangular examples slightly upwards and the circular examples slightly downwards to better visualize the class overlap. As the left subplot shows, the original half-moon shapes are only slightly sheared and flipped across the vertical center—this transformation would not help a linear classifier in discriminating between circles and triangles. Similarly, the circles and triangles corresponding to the two half-moon shapes are not linearly separable if we project the dataset onto a one-dimensional feature axis, as shown in the right subplot.
Now, let’s try out our kernel PCA function, rbf_kernel_pca, which we implemented in the previous subsection:
>>> X_kpca = rbf_kernel_pca(X, gamma=15, n_components=2) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(7, 3)) >>> ax[0].scatter(X_kpca[y==0, 0], X_kpca[y==0, 1], ... color='red', marker='^', alpha=0.5) >>> ax[0].scatter(X_kpca[y==1, 0], X_kpca[y==1, 1], ... color='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.5) >>> ax[1].scatter(X_kpca[y==0, 0], np.zeros((50,1))+0.02, ... color='red', marker='^', alpha=0.5) >>> ax[1].scatter(X_kpca[y==1, 0], np.zeros((50,1))-0.02, ... color='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.5) >>> ax[0].set_xlabel('PC1') >>> ax[0].set_ylabel('PC2') >>> ax[1].set_ylim([-1, 1]) >>> ax[1].set_yticks([]) >>> ax[1].set_xlabel('PC1') >>> plt.tight_layout() >>>
We can now see that the two classes (circles and triangles) are linearly well separated so that we have a suitable training dataset for linear classifiers:
Unfortunately, there is no universal value for the tuning parameter, , that works well for different datasets. Finding a value that is appropriate for a given problem requires experimentation. Here, I will use values for that I have found to produce good results.